Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Getting Started

Ok - I probably do not have time to maintain a blog, but after today I can say I've at least post my own blog - once. Why not, every one else is doing it.

Kelly was very sick today, so being a work at home kinda guy I took most of the day off to watch the boys. I myself was not feeling well, but managed to get through the day and enjoy time with the boys. It was tough to lay work aside, but my schedule allows it and I can make up the hours - probably on Saturday. Actually, I'll be talking to my boss tomorrow about a trip to Richmond next week, so if I travel on Sunday, then those hours will go on this weeks time sheet.

I've finally had time to do more spiritual reflecting on the wilderness experience I've been in now for several years. My limited reading time consists of a book "The Upside of Adversity" by Os Hillman, which has helped me to realize that 1) I am probably still in my wilderness experience and possibly will be there for some time to come and 2)God's purpose can still be fulfilled in my life during the down times of my life. My biggest obstacle is (and always will be) myself - and I attribute most of it my analytical mind that God has "blessed" (I say that with a little sarcasm) me with. I usually have to have proof in hand before I act on anything. Oh - that makes me a Doubting Thomas!

Today's weather was very warm - probably in the mid to upper 60's. I am thankful because I've prayed for warmer weather due to the cost of fuel oil to heal my home. It is over $3/gallon right now and to have it delivered you must buy 100 gallons. In really cold weather, that will not last a month! Since I've begun working out of my home, I need a heat source in the basement. I am considering a wood burning stove as this will help heat the rest of the house and reduce the need for fuel oil.

I did add a few pics which will get more explanation at a later date. Will have to find a picture of the family - until then you get to see my artistic skills :)

Well, I've made a first step in what may prove to be a continuous effort to blog. My guess is that a weekly update would be the best I could do, but don't be surprised to find that today is the only day of my life that you get to read about!