Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Answered prayers

Both fingers are healing really well. I was worried about the one that had stitches. The doctor pulled them after nine days - they were in-grown and it hurt as bad as the day I cut them. It is still numb and very sensitive.

Update on the prayer requests I mentioned before. God really worked some things out for us. I got back from Guatemala on Feb 3rd and my job was terminated on February 5th. Very bad timing I thought. We were so blessed to have been able to make it through almost 2 months without any income. According to everyone I've talked to I should have been able to draw unemployment but because it was an out of state employer, there is some extra red tape to trip through. So we are still waiting for the results of that headache to come in.

Started my new job on March 30th, and am enjoying it so far. I am back in the office/plant daily, and enjoy being out of the house more. However, there are some things I miss about working from home. The boys seemed to adjust well considering they both were used to me being home all day, almost every day. At least they are excited when I come in the door each day.

New prayer request - please pray from my grandma in Ohio. They believe she had a stroke today. Not too many details are know at this time. Pray for my parents and sisters as they travel up to visit and we plan on going up for the weekend as well.