Saturday, January 23, 2010

Love Is A Verb

I've said it before, (and others have to) "Love is a verb ... and a verb is an action." Too often we say "I love you" but our actions do not follow through. And without God's love being demonstrated through out lives (meaning we can show human love without knowing the true depth of love) we are nothing (1 Cor 13).

Lip service (or saying I love you without backing up the love with our actions) is one of the biggest displays of hypocrisy in society today. Many people see this hypocrisy (or other forms of hypocrisy) in one form or another and then make excuses as to why they can't be a Christian, or why they can't go to church with certain people. Sadly, they have valid arguments, but even more troubling is when someone looses their own soul but blames someone else.

Love is the antonym for hate. Consider this - if you or I are giving "lip service love" only, then are we really demonstrating hatred?