Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hot pepper warning

Can't edit a post from my phone (tried logging in, went to edit post, post shows up bit will not allow edits) so I will just create a new one.

Consider wearing disposable gloves when cutting up the hot peppers.  My first experience making salsa, I washed up then headed out to mow grass in 90° weather.  After wiping the sweat from my forehead, my eyes began to burn. It was so bad I worried I might go blind! Washed again, but was afraid to touch myself afterwards. Lol.

I don't wear gloves, but I am more careful. You've been warned. ;-)

Homemade Salsa

I planted some hot peppers this year in a topsy turvy contraption.
Maybe they didn't get enough sunshine, cause they weren't very
productive plants. But the peppers I've picked so far are pretty good.
I've got jalapeno, habanero, & banana. My neighbor also planted
several peppers, so I've got to also enjoy cayenne.

Now I'm on a kick of making homemade salsa. After several batches,
Kelly said I should write down what I put in, since I made it up as I
went. So what better way to document it than my blog. Keep in mind I
like it spicy hot.

2 cans of diced tomatoes
1 fresh tomatoes (just cause I had it)
1 tablespoon cumin
2-3 garlilc cloves
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 onion
2 tablespoons lemon juice

(Add peppers to you liking)

This time I made a batch of mild and hot at the same time.

2 long peppers (my neighbor grew these, not sure what they are. But at
thebeginning of the year these were not hot. Today they made the mild
sauce extra spicy)
1 small green jalapeno
1 cayenne

3 long peppers
3 small green jalapeno
1 red jalapeno
1 cayenne
1 habanero

If your using fresh tomatoes, boil a small pot of water. Place the
whole tomatoe in boiling water for 10-15 seconds. Use a pair of tongs
to fish it out onto the cutting board. Cut the ends off, then the skin
should peel right off (which is why we used boiling water). I've read
that the peeling can be chewy if you don't do this. You can toss the
boiling water out now.

Put canned tomatoes & lemon juice in a medium sized pot. Chop up all
remaining ingredients. I leave mine pretty big, as they will be
blended later. Put everything in the pot and place over medium heat on
the stove. Stir every couple minutes. The flavors will blend together
during this part of the process.

Once the juices start to boil, pour the chunky mixture into your
blender or food processor. I only blend mine for a few seconds, so
there are still small chunks. Now is the perfect time to taste test
and add flavor as needed. I was happy with mine. The mild was hotter
than I intended, and I probably could have used half as much sugar.
Once I am satisfied, I let it cool down and refridgerate until I'm
ready to beak out the cornchips.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Graduate-Level Test: Self-Defense

Finally got around to fixing this post:

The Graduate-Level Test:


"He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun" (Psalm 37:6).

As a believer grows in trusting obedience and love, God often brings a test that seems uncharacteristically cruel. That test is being wrongfully judged by those close to you. It is not for the reactionary. It cannot be passed over by simply gutting it out. Supernatural grace is the only means of passing this one.

It is one of those tests the Savior had to experience Himself when being tried by the court of public opinion, the religious community, and the government of His day. His response to the government was silence. His response to the religious establishment was silence at the final judgment. To the rest of His accusers He remained quiet and left vindication to the Father. He lived the commandment He gave to the disciples:

"But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked" (Luke 6:35).
How do you react when you are accused or mistreated for no reason? Do you listen quietly, or do you justify each and every action? Most of us take pride in doing what is right and expect the same from others, especially our brothers and sisters in the faith. Jesus knew that if you were to be a true follower of His, you would enter this test eventually. It is part of the program.

The marketplace gives ample opportunity to be wronged, misunderstood, and maligned. When God brings a measured assault against one of His children, it is to find out if he truly believes in the cross. The cross is where each of us is given the opportunity to die to our pride, our reputations, and our ego. When He allows a measured assault upon us, it is to find out if the cross is sufficient. He wants to see if we will seek to rescue ourselves.

Jesus said if we die with Him, we will be raised with Him. When God allows satan to bring the measured assault, ask God for the grace to cling to the cross. Let the pride and arrogance that Jesus wants to remove from our lives be crucified. Thank God for the opportunity to be crucified with Christ. Then your righteousness will shine like the noonday sun and the justice of your cause will be in His hands.

(c) Marketplace Leaders

Os Hillman is president of Marketplace Leaders, an organization whose purpose is to raise up and train men and women to apply Biblical faith in the workplace. His email address is

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thank You

Today I stopped off by the produce stand. After selecting a variety of fruit, I realized that the store did not accept my debit card - and I seldom carry cash. I asked a lady nearby (I thought she worked there) if they closed at 6:00, and she said yes. My phone showed it was 15 minutes til. I explained I did not have cash and would have to come back tomorrow and pick up what I needed. To my surprise, this woman said "Here, I have some cash you can use today." She reached out and handed me $10. I thanked her, then asked if she worked at the store. She said she did not, but she came by often and I could return the money to the cashier tomorrow.

As the cashier rang me up, she asked if I knew the lady who handed me the $10. I told here I had never met this woman before. She grinned and said {I already forgot her first name} Cook would give you the shirt off her back.

I may not remember your name again,
The image of your face may fade from my mind.
What will live on for eternity,
Is the seed you planted by being so kind.

If the media would only report on the good that people do, the world would be a much happier place.

Now I realize that God took a little extra time to send this woman into my life today. In spite of the fact that my needs are so small in comparison to most - God saw fit to send the fruit of kindness to me. I don't want to be like the 9 unthankful lepers - I want to be more like the one who returned to show gratitude. I don't want to taste of the fruit of kindness, only to have its seed wither in my heart - I want to let this seed grow, that others may taste of its fruits. And when they taste of it - I want them to see that Jesus gave the increase.

I don't know this woman - not sure what she believes about Christianity. But when I look real close, I'm sure I caught a glimpse of Jesus today!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Saturday's Progress

I had to work on Saturday. Kinda of a bummer, but the good news is that Saturday's progress got us the approval to ship the product on Saturday. I found where we were ready to ship the special machine a month ago. The other great news is that the customers casting had been identified as the problem. I am so thankful that this project will be off my plate. I've got plenty of projects to get back to.

I am suppose to teach Adult Sunday School this morning, and need to go finish preparing. Wanted to share this though - don't want my blog to be my complaint department every post.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kelly had to remind me of how I should react to people I disagree with last night. So this morning it was only fitting that I found myself reading in Galatians. Sometimes I retain information better by taking a little time to reflect on it, and typing up a blog page makes me do just that.

Gal 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Gal 5:26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

Gal 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

I'll not comment on these. Just wanted to put them here as a reminder to myself.
It has been one of those headache weeks. I believe it was Tuesday morning at 5:o0 am that I woke up with a migraine. Seems I have needed ibuprofen just to make it through each day. Today appears to be no exception. Work has been crazy - going in for a least half a day today. I have not been doing my body any favors by getting enough sleep either.

Kelly and the boys are holding their own much better. Still seems to be some side effect or new symptom every couple of days.

Additional reminders:

I'm going to amke it through, yes I am, Make it through, yes I am, and I'll not be defeated, I'll sing a brand new song, Yes I'm going to make it through the day, Cause to Jesus I belong.

Bullfrogs & Butterflys, we both been born again - As a child, we had a record with a booklet that had this song on it. I wonder if it still exists anywhere?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

When it rains it pours

It sure has been a long winter. When I first moved to NC, I had trouble adjusting to the heat in the summer time. This year, it's the cold that is getting to me. I try to adapt to change, but it just doesn't come easy. On top of the cold weather, the transmission in my truck is out, there are several problems with my car, and the van could use a few repairs. On top of all that, Kelly and the boys have been sick, it seems to be non stop for 4 weeks now. Work has been a little frustrating, with one project in assembly that I just can't meet customer specifications on. I think that management & the customer are understanding, and hopefully some progress will be made tomorrow.

My list of complaints could go on and on. I try to see the good inspite of the bad. Sometimes it is just overwhelming.

On the bright side, our tax refund was decent this year. I do not like to get a lot back - hate the thought of loaning the government money. After a tough financial 2009, the tax return should help us get back on a solid financial foundation.

I've got a week of vacation that I may need to take before the end of March. Had hoped to go to Haiti, but that was before the earthquakes - not sure I could help out at this time. Maybe I'll use the vacation to spend some time with the Kelly and the boys, get some things done around the house, or if it were to work out it would be great to go see Mariano again.

Verizon has me upset. I lowered out minutes at their suggestion and my bill has not dropped like they told me it would. One month it actually jumped up significantly. At the end of this month I am eligible for a phone upgrade and had hoped to get a Droid. Now I am not so sure that would be the wisest move. I need to take the bill into the store and get the right plan in place or switch networks.

Oh yea - the quiet Mike Rice stirred a hornets nest this week at work. I've been getting feedback from my coworkers that a vendor has been providing bad quality and delivery. So I sent out a nasty-gram letting the vendor know that I had other options if they couldn't correct the issues. They have been emailing me and calling me every day since to make sure I keep specifying their components. They sent me a long email and lengthy attachment trying to show they were not the problem on delivery. Our purchasing agent is a fireball and she informed me that she has a paper trail showing where the vendor is the problem. I really hate controversy. There will be some compromise as some of the product will not meet our requirements - the remaining problem is overcoming the complicated part numbering system the vendor has. In the end I think I will be able to help implement some kind of solution to smooth this out. If not, there are other options.

Better quit rambling and get some sleep.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Late Night / Early Morning

Yea - I'm the late night blogger. The problem is that I do not have very many late nights any more. Well ... maybe not having late nights is not a problem. And maybe the fact that 11:00 does not qualify as a late night any more has something to do with it as well.

I did go to sleep - last night :). But Kelly has been sick so I have been checking on her and trying to help out. Not bragging ... just not sleeping.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Love Is A Verb

I've said it before, (and others have to) "Love is a verb ... and a verb is an action." Too often we say "I love you" but our actions do not follow through. And without God's love being demonstrated through out lives (meaning we can show human love without knowing the true depth of love) we are nothing (1 Cor 13).

Lip service (or saying I love you without backing up the love with our actions) is one of the biggest displays of hypocrisy in society today. Many people see this hypocrisy (or other forms of hypocrisy) in one form or another and then make excuses as to why they can't be a Christian, or why they can't go to church with certain people. Sadly, they have valid arguments, but even more troubling is when someone looses their own soul but blames someone else.

Love is the antonym for hate. Consider this - if you or I are giving "lip service love" only, then are we really demonstrating hatred?