Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mike's fingers

I was making some cuts with my circular saw - needed a table saw. I knew better than to cut the way I was. But after successfully making the most dangerous cuts in a 1X3 (cutting a notch the length of the board), I started to rip the board into a 1x1-1/2 piece. The saw grabbed the board and pulled my hand into the saw, seriously gashing two of my fingers. Kelly drove me to the ER and x-rays showed no damage to the bones. Thank God! All the way to the hospital I was thanking God because I was in a room by myself with the door closed. I could have blacked out and lay there bleeding until someone found me.

They put 6 stitches in one finger and the other one they just wrapped up - said it was not bad enough for stitches. The pics don't show it but both fingers were wrapped up the same way. I am also thankful this is not my mouse hand!

If you don't like to see cut up flesh, don't scroll down.


Unknown said...

For some reason, the pictures don't adequately portray the way your fingers really looked. You had me worried there for a bit but thank the Lord you handled it like a trooper.

As for your mouse hand, that's the hand you feed your family with...but I'm kinda partial to your left hand, personally. *wink*

your left-handed wife

Unknown said...

What are we going to do with you?! Thank the Lord it wasn't any worse and no bones were broken. We'll pray for quick healing. Be Careful!!!!

Jules said...

Glad you didn't use any fingers! The pictures made my stomach churn, but I looke anyway. :-P Hope you heal quickly. Just said a prayer for you and hope you have a quick, non-infected recovery. Love ya, Jules (Thanks for sharing.)

Jules said...

ooops! I meant "loose" instead of "use" any fingers! :-)

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun

Mrs. Wendy Pacheco said...

Well, I want ask you to do anything else if it makes you feel better. And I do have to say something, I was in the floor Sunday and we were sitting on our prayer mats, taking prayer requests. I got a knock on the door and the door was closed, I went to grab it and there was a little too much blood and God knows what else on the door knob!!! So I just told them to come in....I didn't want to make a scene. But now that I think of it, someone opened that door and I do think it was me because I went to get water for our paint brushes!!!